Which one is you?
"I would learn more just..."
The "Schedule-it-in" man
What makes it work >

For me to learn, it has to be part of my schedule, with a set place and time every day.
AM or PM? Bais Medrash fits your schedule.
The "Convenient" man
What makes it work >

It's got to be the right environment. Y'know, easy access to seforim, constant coffee, the right guys...
Life doesn't get easier than a fully stocked Bois Medrash!
The "At-my-own-pace" man
What makes it work >

I want a quite, focuesed place with leanign atmosphere
I need the right atmosphere to study in; a quiet space, the avir of learning and no-one looking over my shoulder.
Bais Medrash offers an extremely low-pressure, peaceful environment, perfect for focused learning.
The "I-need-a-partner" man
What makes it work >

It's much more geshmak with a teacher or a chavrusa. That would keep me motivated.
Find the perfect partner or intriguing topic at Bais Medrash.
The "Too-Busy" man
What makes it work >

I've got work, kids, a family, my house. There is just no time!
Ki Heim Chayenu… and a dedicated place outside the house helps Torah become priority.
The "Need- structure" man
What makes it work >

Sounds great, but I have a hard time sticking to a commitment. There's just no motivation.
How does learning + pay sound? Join the paid track to help you commit to your studies.
Bais Medrash has the solution to get you learning.
Bais Medrash of Pittsburgh is driven by a single goal; to bring Torah learning to every member of the Pittsburgh Jewish Community. Established by Rabbi Yisroel Rosenfeld of Lubavitch Center and run by Rabbi Chaim Itkin, Bais Medrash provides the perfect place for community members to come, connect and learn Torah on an ongoing basis.

Kick your day off with knowledge and inspiration. Begins at 6 am until ten minutes before Shachris.

Use your Wednesday evenings to complete quotas of Kitzur Shulchan Aruch as a group.
Coming soon.

Boost your Sunday evenings with the sweet words of Torah. Pick your own topic and bring a friend.

In addition to the chayus gained by learning, commit to a study schedule and get a monthly stipend.

Use your Tuesdays to gain mastery over sections of Shulchan Aruch and earn a Semichas Chover certificate.

Enjoy a hot cup of coffee, fresh refreshments and feel invigorated by the sounds of Torah learning.
How to Join
Grow your knowledge?
Add life to your day?
Recharge your Yiddishkeit?
Are you ready to...
Join Bais Medrash today and make Torah matter.
"A person should always be like an ox to the yoke and like a donkey to the load … toiling in Torah matters."
Tana Debay Eliyahu Zuta 1

Have a great idea?
Want to start a class? Teach a group? Let Bais Medrash of Pittsburgh know how we can help you learn.